The BrushFires Discover Your Divine Design Workbook is a perfect tool for an individual to discover their purpose, for a couple to develop understanding with their partner, for a group to build unity through the understanding of the unique God Given Design of every believer and for the church to mobilize the congregation into a cohesive Body of Christ. We believe that every Christian can benefit from a honest understanding of their strengths (Gifts and Abilities) and blind spots. The blind spots that are intended to be fulfilled by other members of The Body of Christ. We hope to nurture the idea that we all need to reach out to others to complete The Body of Christ. This can only be accomplished through a loving understanding of our differences. Unity is diversity with understanding. Read More...
Liberating Believers Into Their God Given Purpose! We desire to ignite the intimate understanding of God’s unique plan and agenda in the heart of every Disciple of Jesus Christ, which will bring fulfillment, joy and purpose. Each Disciple will know God more passionately while making a difference in daily interactions in the world around them, while learning to embrace their God-Given Design.
Accomplish the mission statement by:
Accomplish the mission statement by:
- Providing comprehensive workshops in learning how each person processes information and relates with the people around them
- Provide assessments to discover temperaments, impact styles, and what motivates them
- Provide spiritual gifting assessment
- Facilitate a Design Discovery Meeting; which enables an individual, with the help of a BrushFires leader, to discover their God-Given Design
- Provide ongoing training through support groups: “Man on Fire”, and “Women on Fire”
BrushFires Ministry Statement of Faith
We believe the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the inspired word of God.
2 Timothy 3:16
We believe in the Eternal Godhead who has revealed Himself as one God existing in three persons: God The Father, God The Son and God The Holy Spirit; distinguishable but indivisible.
Matthew 28:19, 2 Corinthians 13:14
Fall of Man:
We believe in the creation, test and fall of Man as recorded in Genesis.
Romans 3:10-18, Genesis Chapter 3
The Lord Jesus Christ:
We believe in The Lord Jesus Christ, conceived of The Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, who is both God and Man.
Luke 1:26-35, John 1:18, Isaiah 7:14, 9:6
Christ’s Death and Resurrection:
We believe Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose again on the third day, to redeem and restore Man to God.
1 Corinthians 15:14, Romans 4:25
Salvation by Grace through Faith:
We believe in the salvation of sinners by grace, through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 2:8-9, Hebrews 9:12, 22, Romans 5:11
Honor Code:
We believe as followers of Christ we should provide an example in speech and in action to encourage others to grow in Christ and become servant-leaders themselves.
1 Peter 4:10-11
We believe the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the inspired word of God.
2 Timothy 3:16
We believe in the Eternal Godhead who has revealed Himself as one God existing in three persons: God The Father, God The Son and God The Holy Spirit; distinguishable but indivisible.
Matthew 28:19, 2 Corinthians 13:14
Fall of Man:
We believe in the creation, test and fall of Man as recorded in Genesis.
Romans 3:10-18, Genesis Chapter 3
The Lord Jesus Christ:
We believe in The Lord Jesus Christ, conceived of The Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, who is both God and Man.
Luke 1:26-35, John 1:18, Isaiah 7:14, 9:6
Christ’s Death and Resurrection:
We believe Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose again on the third day, to redeem and restore Man to God.
1 Corinthians 15:14, Romans 4:25
Salvation by Grace through Faith:
We believe in the salvation of sinners by grace, through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 2:8-9, Hebrews 9:12, 22, Romans 5:11
Honor Code:
We believe as followers of Christ we should provide an example in speech and in action to encourage others to grow in Christ and become servant-leaders themselves.
1 Peter 4:10-11
anchor: Timeline
- 2001 JR received a dream that he clearly knew the meaning of, but he could not understand why it was given to him. This created a call on his life that caused him to search for an answer to what he was supposed to do with that dream.
- 2004 JR saw the movie 'The Passion of the Christ.' He was so moved by the movie and felt a call on his life. He kept seeing Mary at the foot of the cross looking straight at him asking "He did this for you! What are you going to do?" In response, he wrote the message 'What is your Purpose?' He gave that message at retreats and sunday school.
- 2006 He was searching for an answer to the 2001 vision. He received a word of knowledge from a stranger in response to his searching (see below). The stranger is also an artist and produced a painting of the vision.
- 2013 JR wrote 'What is Joy?' (see below) in response to his current lack of joy. He could not understand why some in the church had it and he did not.
- 2015 JR wrote 'Intentional Christianity', (see below) his software company was dealt a deadly blow that caused him to drastically restructure himself out of a job, he stopped all his sales efforts and stopped receiving a monthly salary.
- 2016 JR found himself with a lot of time on his hands. He began writing poems, short stories (see below), praying for answers, reading his devotions and seeking God's will. He was not happy with the circumstances he found himself in. In frustration and anger, he asked God "I know you are behind this! What do you want?' At the end of that year, an acquaintance invited him to a program that taught the Y•M•I Assessments for a sizable fee. He initially responded no, since he had drastically cut all expenses. Later that week he felt a tug to do it, so he enrolled himself and his wife into the training program. Him and his wife both received their Purpose Statements. He discovered how accurate and insightful the Y•M•I Assessments were.
- 2017 He continued his Y•M•I Assessments training. In May, while thinking about his purpose statement, he asked himself "If you believe this, what are you going to do about it?" The BrushFires Ministry was conceived at that moment. The ministry name was simply given to him through the inspiration of the moment. He began writing the WorkShop curriculum and reached out to Steven Johnson for guidance. He discovered that Steven Johnson was also a believer.
- 2018 JR and his wife conducted the very first BrushFires WorkShop in February. There were nine people, including his wife and himself. The program grew through word of mouth, and they did two more eight-week sessions that year. By the end of the year, the class had more than doubled in size with a brand-new set of students in each following session.
- 2019 JR was picked out of a crowd of 200+ people and received another word of knowledge at a prophecy conference by Prophet Jon Jon Wilkins. The word was that he was at the cross-roads of destiny. He is being given new wine skins. He will be speaking to thousands at schools and to many leaders. The WorkShops continued to grow to an average of over thirty people per session. Work began on the BrushFires workbook and JR was given verbal permission to pursue making the Y•M•I Assessments available online.
- 2020 JR and his wife were given another word of knowledge at a prophecy conference by Prophet Mark Strong. This was in January and the word was "It is coming this year. Birth pains and tremors of great things!" This was two months before we knew we were in the pandemic. Steven Johnson signed a contract giving Real Living Assessments, LLC rights to produce the Y•M•I Assessments online. This is something many had sought for over twenty years. Steven Johnson gave these exclusive rights with very favorable terms to the BrushFires Ministry. JR released the online version of the Y•M•I Assessments in time for the fall WorkShop. The BrushFires workbook was also released at that same time. BrushFires conducted it's very first FireStorm two-day conference.
- 2021 JR was picked out of a crowd of 300+ people and received another word of knowledge at a prophecy conference by Prophet Bob MacGregor. The word was that he was to "Take the battle to the enemy!" We have been doing just that ever since then and intend to do so until God tells us to do something else. BrushFires conducted their second FireStorm conference. The WorkShop sessions continued to grow and discussions began regarding a possible digital WorkShop. The BrushFires Ministry, Inc. was established as a charitable 501 C3 organization. BrushFires began it's partnership with the Good Samaritan Rehab program and the local Union Gospel Mission providing full scholarships to their clients.
- 2022 The BrushFires digital program was funded and began filming. The first Graduate Training program was conducted for BrushFires graduates. The Mentoring Manual and the Graduate Training books were created for this program. The WorkShops began averaging forty people per session.
anchor: ScottsWord

The 2006 word of knowledge
Who can understand the Lord's words? Words are for our benefit; they are of no use to the Lord. There is one thing I do know, and that is my Master's voice. So, with that, I went for my daily walk over lunch and was praying about this.
I could see you standing on a shoreline with your back to the ocean. You were dark inside, but the darkness was nothing evil. I think it was shortly after dawn because the sky was still a pale blue.
I could see a flame inside of you.
Then I could see and hear the words:
Now is the time!
The time is now!
You were standing still for a moment, then you started to move. When you started to move the flame inside of you erupted and totally consumed you, but you were not harmed. Everything you touched burst into flames.
I am just relying on faith that it is from the Lord. You will know.
Who can understand the Lord's words? Words are for our benefit; they are of no use to the Lord. There is one thing I do know, and that is my Master's voice. So, with that, I went for my daily walk over lunch and was praying about this.
I could see you standing on a shoreline with your back to the ocean. You were dark inside, but the darkness was nothing evil. I think it was shortly after dawn because the sky was still a pale blue.
I could see a flame inside of you.
Then I could see and hear the words:
Now is the time!
The time is now!
You were standing still for a moment, then you started to move. When you started to move the flame inside of you erupted and totally consumed you, but you were not harmed. Everything you touched burst into flames.
I am just relying on faith that it is from the Lord. You will know.
Please note back in 2006 JR was not involved in leading any specific ministry. In fact, JR was in the midst of a very dry period of ministry following the failed brain surgery of his son. The imagery of this 2006 word of knowledge clearly describes what the BrushFires Ministry has been about since its inception in 2017. BrushFires is all about setting the lives of believers on fire, as God works His purposes through them. Creating one BrushFire after another to give the enemy one headache after another. We are just getting started. Are you ready?
The Y•M•I Assessments are based on the science of psychometrics. Developed and used for over 4 decades in the practice of Steven Johnson from Strategic People Development. Psychometrics is the study of the mind / soul / personality traits. The Y•M•I Assessments have been measured over the decades with the highest ratings of validity and reliability. They focus in how a person is wired by their Maker. Other personality assessments focus on behavior, which changes throughout a person's life. Most of those behavior based assessments tend to divide, where our program strives to unite. We look at every believer as a puzzle piece just waiting to find the ministry in which they fit best. Read More...
The Motivated Role reveals what will motivate you to get involved in a group effort (complimentary construct), and at what point you are no longer motivated to invest your energy. It is often also a clear indicator of how other motivated roles cause friction and why conflict arises in group efforts. Read More...
The Impact Style reveals how you are designed to influence a group effort (complimentary construct). It also reveals how others Impact Styles conflict with your own and why some people seem to "rub you the wrong way" more than others. The Impact Style will also reveal potential "tweaks," or unproductive behaviors, such as passive aggressive, manipulation, obsessive restrictive or obsessive compulsive. Read More...
The Temperaments uncover how you think (compatibility construct). It will reveal why you struggle to understand where certain people are coming from. You will find that many of your friends have similar Temperament designs as you do (birds of a feather). Read More...
The Interests, Abilities and Values are where we identify what areas you are best equipped for, desire and designed to gravitate towards, as well as how you will participate and why it is so important for you to pursue them. This is where we get your Personal Purpose Statement. It is your personal life choice compass.
The Spiritual Gifts are what The Father has gifted a believer upon receiving the Holy Spirit. They are their unique gifts that go beyond their natural Interests, Abilities and Values. Our assessment will reveal their gifting in the following 7 gifts of The Spirit. They are Exhortation, Giving, Mercy, Leading, Mercy, Serving and Teaching.
The Design Discovery Meeting (DDM) can be conducted three different ways. The Self-Guided DDM, the Basic DDM and the Full / Complete DDM. You can choose the one that fits your needs and budget. They all included our parsing programs and the Y•M•I DDM instructional videos. They guide you through the process of creating a Personal Purpose Statement. Read More...
Our program is simple, cost-effective, and invaluable when compared to the cost of broken relationships, poor business decisions, wasted college tuition and the general dissatisfaction that many people seem to settle for in life. We want to set you up for success. What have you got to lose?
Start the Assessment process today so we can schedule your DDM. |
anchor: Coaching
BrushFires Ministry Coaching Programs
The BrushFires Coaching Program is geared towards helping you to pursue your God-given purpose. Sometimes you might need guidance on how to do that, recommendations of who to partner with, and encouragement to continue the pursuit. Our coaching programs are intended for those that have finished the complete Y•M•I Assessments. Both options below both include our 4 X 4 Coach Survey. This survey is used to help us get a good read on where you are in these four important areas of your life. Here are the definitions of each area.
Some of you might benefit from one-on-one coaching. This can be arranged, and we are happy to review that service in a free introductory call. We offer 2 monthly subscriptions for hour long sessions. We have a 2-session package for $175.00 a month and a 4-session package for $300.00 a month. Please reach out to us through our contact page for more details on our packages and pricing options. You are welcome to schedule your free introductory call below. For all other questions, please submit them through our contact page.
- Professional - This area includes your career/job, finances, education, and your professional reputation.
- Relational - This area includes your relationship to your spouse/partner, your kids, your parents, your siblings, and your social friendships.
- Personal - This area includes the physical, emotional, and the "play hard" aspect (what you do for 'fun') of your life.
- Spiritual - This area includes how your feal about your personal faith in God, your knowledge of your God-given design/gifts, and how active you are in ministry services to others.
Some of you might benefit from one-on-one coaching. This can be arranged, and we are happy to review that service in a free introductory call. We offer 2 monthly subscriptions for hour long sessions. We have a 2-session package for $175.00 a month and a 4-session package for $300.00 a month. Please reach out to us through our contact page for more details on our packages and pricing options. You are welcome to schedule your free introductory call below. For all other questions, please submit them through our contact page.
The Y•M•I Assessments were created with the permission and support of Steven E. Johnson. You will be benefiting from his life's work. We are grateful for his willingness to trust Y•M•I Assessments to share this with the world.